RL212 – Small Company Stocks: Bear vs Bull Case
In this episode, Roshan and Adrian discuss the bear and bull cases for small-cap stocks. The bear case highlights the underperformance of small caps compared to large caps, the investments made by big companies in areas like AI and electric vehicles, and the impact of a low interest rate environment. On the other hand, the bull case emphasizes the valuation advantage of small caps, the potential for rate cuts to boost earnings, and the economic gains from reshoring and infrastructure investments. The hosts also discuss the importance of long-term investing, diversification, and conducting thorough research before making investment decisions. Listen now to learn more about Small Company Stocks: Bear vs Bull Case.
00:00 Introduction and Overview
01:05 The Bear Case for Small Cap Stocks
04:10 The Bull Case for Small Cap Stocks
08:08 Valuation and Rate Cuts: Opportunities for Small Caps
11:54 The Impact of Investments and Interest Rates on Small Caps
18:53 Long-Term Investing and Diversification in Small Caps
25:17 The Importance of Research and Professional Advice in Small Cap Investing
28:44 Conclusion
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Roshan Loungani can be reached at roshan.loungani@aretewealth.com or at 202-536-4468.
Erik Olson can be reached at erik.olson@aretewealth.com or 815-940-4652.
Adrian Nicholson can be reached at adrian.nicholson@aretewealth.com or at 703-915-8905.
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Listen now to learn more about Small Company Stocks: Bear vs Bull Case.
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