RL053 - Retirement Lifestyle: Investing, Trading, Speculating
On this episode of the Retirement Lifestyle Show, Erik Olson and Adrian Nicholson talk about the distinction between investing, trading, and speculating, each strategy holding the potential to make your money work for you in the financial market. They discuss the time and risk elements of each and the overall results you can expect from each option. They also talk about ways to implement the strategies and help you understand the differences to prevent you from misapplying the selection and management principles of one strategy to another. These are lessons to help you in 2021 and beyond!
[04:50] The Definition of Investing
[06:26] The Time Element of Investing
[09:04] Why People Invest
[12:24] The Definition of Trading
[14:40] Swing Trading
[21:41] Risk Controls in Investing, Trading, and Speculating
[31:25] The Definition of Speculation
[37:16] The Similarities between Investing, Trading, and Speculating
Roshan Loungani can be reached at roshan.loungani@aretewealth.com or at 202-536-4468.
Erik Olson can be reached at erik.olson@aretewealth.com or 815-940-4652.
Adrian Nickolson can be reached at adrian.nicholson@aretewealth.com or at 703-915-8905.
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